Counter Strike 1.6
Competition Method: 5 vs. 5 (Team Play, 5 players per team)
Substitutions are allowed twice at most. No substitutions will be allowed after the start of tournament. If any team needs to make more than two substitutions for any reason whatsoever, the team must forfeit the tournament. Rotations are strictly not allowed.
Rounds: 30 Rounds (Max rounds format) 15 rounds as Terrorists and 15 rounds as Counter-Terrorists per team. (The first team that scores 16 rounds wins and the match ends immediately.)
Round Time: 1 minute 45 seconds
Sides: (Counter-Terrorist / Terrorist) will be announced before the match or decided by a coin toss.
Victory Condition: The first team to score 16 rounds.
In the case of a tie after regulation, 6 extra rounds will be played. (3 rounds as Terrorists and 3 rounds as Counter-Terrorists per team)
In the case of a re-tie after 6 extra rounds as stated above, 6 more extra rounds will be played until the tie is broken.
Tie-breaker victory condition: The first team to score 4 rounds.
Map: de_inferno
Team members may communicate verbally at all times. Full ghost-talking is allowed.
The Server master will record the process of the match.
Default model skins must be used. (Either C S 1.6 or C Z)
Boosting (stepping on top of own team player) is allowed with any number of players. Any area that can be reached on the map is considered a valid position as long as the position is not used to exploit the map by seeing into areas that are not intended.
Throwing grenades over buildings in all maps are allowed.
Players are not allowed to move with the “Duck” key pressed repeatedly. Any player found using this method may be given a warning or a loss by
default at the referee’s sole discretion. (NOTE: This is different from moving while the Duck key is pressed down.)
Silent C 4 plants are considered bug play. Such an offense may result in a warning at the minimum or loss of all remaining Terrorists rounds at the sole discretion of the board of referees.
C 4 must be planted at a viewable location. Planting the C 4 at a location where a boost is required is allowed. If the bomb is planted in such a way that it is obscured from view from all angles (such as planting to have the bomb hidden entirely or in part by a crate, allowing it to clip into a wall or
corner of a wall, and so forth), the same penalty will apply.
Any occurrence of the flash bang bug, unintentional or otherwise, will result in a warning and forfeiture of that round as well as three additional rounds at minimum. A loss by default for the offending team for a repeated flash bang bugs maybe awarded at the sole discretion of the board of referees.
Any other use of map or program bugs can result in a warning at the minimum or loss by default for the offending team after deliberation and decision by the board of referees at its sole discretion.
The gamma rate can be changed in the video graphic driver.
Both the desktop and in-game color quality must be set to 32-Bit.
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